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Boom in DIY dental kits


dentist diy


 Almost a fifth of people have given up going to visit dentist because the high charges. DIY dentistry solve this proble.


There has been a surge in sales of dental kits at pharmacies including chemicals to whiten teeth.
Experts say that up to 200,000 DIY dentists risk injuring themselves and missing out on potentially life-saving check-ups.
Up to a third of adults no longer have an dentist, according to the latest figures.
Gulf War veteran Ian Boynton, 46, from Woodmansey, East Yorkshire, pulled out 13 of his teeth with pliers because he was in agony and could not find an dentist to treat him.
In another case a 46-year-old man from Wandsworth, south London, needed major surgery after he stuck a crown into his mouth with super glue which rotted the bone in his gum.
Other DIY dentists have whitened teeth with household cleaning products Ultrasonic Scaler and popped ulcers with pins.
Dental surgeon Julian Perry warned: “DIY dentistry can be extremely harmful. It is vital patients get regular check-ups. Dentists can identify mouth cancer and problems linked to conditions such as heart disease.”