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Finding a dentist without insurance

It may surprise you to learn that many dentists offer deep discounts to non-insured patients. Find a list of dentists in your area and start calling them to compare costs. Ask about the costs of common procedures like teeth cleaning with ultrasonic cleaner and check-ups, and address any specific dental issues that you may have. Also, ask them if they charge on a sliding scale. Many dentists will charge patients according to their income, so if you don't make much money, you'll pay far less than someone with a large salary. Of course, if you really want to find the best value, you'll need to be patient. Call as many dental practices as you can find.

The United Way is committed to improving the lives of individuals struggling to make ends meet. As part of this commitment, the organisation maintains relationships with dentists who work on a low-cost or charitable basis. Contact your local United Way branch, explain your situation, and ask for dental referrals. They can provide you with extremely valuable information as well, and you may be surprised by what you find.

Don't get discouraged if the first few dentists refuse to give you a reasonable rate or work within your budget. Finding quality dental care at an affordable price is challenging, but it can be done. As we speak, there are dental professionals in your area providing low cost treatments to people in need. Just be patient, explore all of the different options in your area, and don't rest until you find exactly what you're looking for. Your oral health depends on it.