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  • tigerclaire



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    The updated ICD-10 2020 year - International Classification of Diseases provides assistance in the organization of health care and regulates the general rules of medicine. Unification of pathologies is necessary for system workers to designate a disease code. This simplifies the maintenance of statistics both inside clinics and in the state. It is also more convenient to keep track of the documentation and sort it into electronic data. For the first time the regulatory document was approved in 1893, and since then it has been repeatedly revised and updated with new clarifying data. ICD 10 was adopted in 2007, when the tenth revision of the World Health Organization was conducted. New rules allowed not only to classify, but also to encode medical diagnoses. Total list includes 21 sections (class), each of which is divided into headings. They contain codes of medical pathologies (diseases and conditions). Numbers are denoted by a letter of the Latin alphabet from A to Z and two digits after. The letters D and H are used for several diagnoses in different classes. U symbol left in reserve. Blocks of rubrics in a class describe diseases that are conditionally considered homogeneous. The block is divided into three-digit headings, which may contain subheadings with four-digit designation. <a href=https://10icd.com/>icd 10 cm</a>
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